BIS Brokerage solution Wintrade supports the middle- and back-office functions for trade processing, clearance and settlement, data management, tax reporting, and accounting.
As financial institutions look to streamline their operations, reduce risk and cut costs, a fully comprehensive capital markets solution that can manage the complexities of pricing, booking, risk management and regulation is the best option. It is this principle that has driven the design of Wintrade.
In today’s increasingly demanding environment, cost reductions and the pressure to deliver projects quickly are driving organizations to look towards software providers who can offer competitive solutions and services.
Wintrade is a flexible modular system developed for the expanding global market. Being a sophisticated and multi-tier system, it automates the full trading lifecycle, providing front-to-back office functionality for all types of participants in securities finance.
Being the core of the system, this section contains the basic accounting structure, the customer database and the general system and user parameters. To enable the application of any module, this infrastructure called “Kernel” must be installed.
System Management: Through system management, you can maintain certain parameters that set the working principles of your institution so that you can design the control and work-flow accordingly as well as maintain standard variables parametrically.
Accounting: Users can maintain a chart of accounts in accordance with the working patterns of the institution, issue financial statements, access to account balances and movements as of desired dates. With this accounting structure, you can produce regulatory books, issue balance sheet and profit/loss account, and make rediscount/evaluation transactions. You can also maintain financial statements parametrically, and produce the desired financial statement in a flexible way.
Customer Database: Thanks to customer-centricity of Wintrade, it has become easier to continuously monitor and measure the performance of your client base on a global basis. Even if a customer does business with more than one branch or has more than one account in one branch, he is followed up in the system under a unique number.
Security: The security of the system is guaranteed at two levels, one being the database and the other the software. For a user to access the system, required authorizations must have been granted within both the database and the software. Authorizations can be granted on the basis of module or program.
FI Module empowers you to make both primary market transactions and all buy/sell transactions. This module has the following functions:
Make transactions of final/reverse purchase from and final/repo sales to the market on the system
Create distinctive portfolio
Define different inventories for the identical papers or due dates and monitor the proportional costs for each inventory separately (this structure allows you to proportionate the whole inventory and monitor each purchasing under a separate cost item)
Make rediscount for each of these inventories by monitoring the real, funded, current costs (based on the market prices)
Obtain input of price information manually or from data feeders into the system
Get access to the inventories of the desired date on the basis of securities
Get access to the transactions within a desired range of dates on the basis of securities, customers and branches
Follow up portfolio cost (at a desired level of detail) and profit/loss
Automatic distribution of securities to repos manually, semi-automatically and full automatically
Make automatic repos based on the day-end balances for requesting customers
Make repo/reverse repo return and redemption transactions
Automatic entry of accounting records of all these transactions
Monitor the inventory, volume, profit and loss information at institution, branch and customer level
Issue regulatory reports
This module allows for making and monitoring operational transactions and supports the following functions:
Set daily fund and branch limits
Produce statements of customer transaction, repo sales etc.
Load daily price inputs of securities
Monitor current accounts and interest accruals of branches
Produce regulatory reports
Set business days and holidays
As back-office part of derivatives transactions, this module operates in full integration with Wintrade and Winbank as well as stand-alone.
Enter details of contract types into the system and generate related accountings
Create graded commissions
Calculate collaterals automatically
Transfer collaterals into customer accounts
This module supports the following functions:
Distribution capability of the consortium leader
Combining the distribution results into a floppy disk
Reading and getting the data from the disks coming from the members of the consortium
Automated returns of Turkish Lira and shares
Demand collecting
Demand reports
Distribution reports
Formatting different kinds of disks in each public offering
Defining the obligatory areas according to each public offering
Prevention of data entry from the branches if the branch quota is fullfilled
Collecting of pre-demands